Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Its almost time....

Well Bloggers, Its December 1st.
So many people have told me that its gone by so fast...not for me , let me assure you this!

I have two due dates that I've been going by.
WHen I first found out I was pregnant, the doctors calculate a due date by your last menstrual period..so my first due date is Dec 10th.

But at 20 weeks, I had an ultrasound done. By the calculations done then, the Ultrasound due date given to me was Dec 5th.

Well, I'm quickly approaching the 5th. Each doctor visit in the past 2 weeks has found no change in my cervix at all that would be leading me another step closer to Labor and Delivery.

I am praying that today will be different.

Yes, I usually go a bit late with my kids but I was hoping and praying that this wouldn't be the case with this pregnancy. I'm big as a house, and always contracting.

Oh those wonderful braxton hicks....what my husband calls a workout for my uterus! Suuurree.....He's never felt a single one in his entire life nor will he ever HAVE to. lol.

In the past, I really didn't mind being pregnant. But on Thursday Dec 3rd, I turn 42 years old and let me tell you, I'm feeling every bit of every year of that age.

Its been a wave of emotion here for me.

I mean, anticipating the arrival of my new little baby boy is one thing.
My son Michael, 21, just got sworn into the police department yesterday. The holidays are quickly approaching and I love to decorate (can't find the decorations) and I love to bake cookies, (can't stand on my feel long enough to do much without pain), and I love shopping to find that ONE special gift for someone that will make their eyes light up with joy..(here again, hurts to walk too long).

I know, I know, soon it will be over with and he will be nestled safely in my arms and labor and pregnancy will be just a memory. But right now, right here is where I'm at and its not easy.

OB appt today at 3.

PRAY!!!! that my cervix is doing SOMETHING!!!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

14 weeks pregnant

I found this site that had a bit more humor to the description of the 14th week of pregnancy than most other ones I found LOL.

Here ya go!!

Your Pregnancy: Week 14

You're officially in your glory days: the second trimester.
Energy levels come back up, nausea levels go down and you may have a cute little bump that's beginning to show.
It's a great time to celebrate the happy news ... if people haven't guessed already. And you'll be surprised at how oblivious some folks are. Here you are walking around at 28 weeks with a big belly and all along they've been thinking you ate too many hot wings for lunch.
Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...What You're Thinking:

You have reached the light at the end of the tunnel. Well, the light at the end of the first tunnel (there will be more). Chances are good that you're feeling as good as you've felt in weeks. If you're not feeling it yet, don't worry, it'll come soon. Enjoy this reprieve.

If you haven't been milking the fact that you're pregnant, make up for lost time this week. Stockpile on sleep, have your partner cater to your every need (craving Ben & Jerry's at midnight? Go get it, lover!), let your mom baby you, have your friends come over to your house, take a personal day off of work, insert whatever you normally would feel pushy doing here.

If your back is starting to hurt, you can thank yet another hormone, relaxin, for the aches and pains. Just like it sounds, relaxin relaxes the joints and muscles in your body to help your pelvis expand and loosens the joints in your hips to make room for baby to come out. It'll also help you do a wicked downward facing dog, so join a yoga class and relish your new flexibility. Relaxin production peeks at 14 weeks and remains in your system until after baby is born.

If you're feeling little contractions or pulling and stretching sensations this week, don't panic. It's just your ligaments stretching and your organs moving to accommodate your growing baby. (Don't worry, your organs will all plop back into place shortly after Junior is born.)
Think of it this way: You're a third of the way through and baby's a third of the way cooked. Now that the "big stuff" (like skeletal and organ development) is taken care of, your baby starts a period of rapid brain growth, fat buildup and detail work.

Highlights this week include:Your baby now has fingerprints! Book 'em, Danno! Believe it or not, he actually created them himself while swimming around in the amniotic fluid. (not according the Genesis LOL)As he moved his hands, the skin on the tips of his fingers formed unique ridges and folds. That's why no one on earth has the same fingerprints, not even identical twins! Cool, right? Baby's arms are now in proportion to his tiny body, but his legs are still on the short size in comparison.Meconium, that tar-like, sticky first baby poop, is now loading up your baby's intestines, which means you might want to set aside a bottle of olive oil, one of the few things that will get the gooey poop off of baby's bottom. Your baby continues to gain new and impressive skills such as practicing and controlling voluntary muscle movements (this will help him fling food across the room later in life). Your tiny dancer's movements are no longer the jerky, uncontrollable twitches of yore—he now moves with graceful control. Your baby is now weighs about an ounce and is the length of a flip phone, or roughly 3.5 inches—he's tripled in size from a mere three weeks ago! Luckily, you haven't done the same.
--- Nikki here....enjoy that?
My 14 week mark isn't really here until tomorrow or Wednesday but by then I might forget to post this LOL>
Its those pregnancy hormones that make me forget even the simple things in life right now. (its always good to blame it on something OTHER than yourself)

I've been feeling good...even went walking at Oglebay this weekend...had a nice time and felt good.
Walking up hills isn't as easy as it used to be. Someone please tell me how this can happen? Here is the scenerio...Before I was pregnant, I could run , walk, or whatever without being so out of breath...then I get pregnant and can't do anything ...even putting away laundry without my lungs wanting to find another home? I can understand when I'm further along...but geez...14 weeks? I feel like I've lost my body....I know its only temperary...yes everyone keeps telling me this....but I sure feel old!

Ok everyone...well the whole TWO people who might read this....I will write more when I can.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Starting week 13

Well, the weeks are flying by...NOT!
Just kidding. Its not too bad. Week 13 means the beginning of a new trimester which should mean I am going to start to feel human again.

Does my last statement mean I have been feeling like a Non-Human? YES YES and YES!

I haven't been feeling like my normal self since I was 6 weeks along.

I am a person who runs my house, takes care of my kids, EVERYTHING and it seems all of my abilities have gone away.

I have been sick, exhausted and no motivation whatsoever. Not to mention out of breath by just walking up the stairs to put a load of laundry away.

Last week, when I had my last OB appt, the doc did another ultrasound and baby is growing nicely.

Looks like a little baby in there! Not sure if its a boy or girl yet but hopefully will find out in a month or two. Then I can start picking out my baby stuff I will need.

More later....gonna look for some pregnancy cartoons and jokes LOL

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm 12 weeks along now

YES!!! First trimester almost behind me.
I've had some ask me if my pregnancy is flying by and mostly I would have to say no.
Its been a long 6 weeks or so but since I am feeling better, it seems to be going by faster.

It doesn't help much now cause I am sick with a cold and fever but hey that happens sometimes.

I had an ultrasound on Tuesday again and my baby was in there , nice and cozy and in a sitting up position. My oh my how much she has grown!

Still do not know if my baby is a boy or girl yet and probably won't find out until around my 5th month so still a little while to wait.

A couple of times I could have sworn I felt the baby. I felt something like a bubble pop on my left side and that is where the baby is right now. Who knows....

Other than that, I'm doing well. My energy is returning little by little.

Its going to be a long summer :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I might ask to try this at my next OB appt

A new way to weigh yourself!!!

Think my OB might let me record this weigh in?

It's been a while

Wow, its been a couple weeks since I last posted anything. Just not been feeling like doing much writing on here.

Ok, I'm not 11 weeks along.
Most of the time I am feeling somewhat better.
Indigestion still wants to hang around a bit...and I get tired out easily but other than that, I feel good.

I'm excited that my 1st trimester is almost over with.

Here is some info that I found online about the baby and me at 11 weeks along...

The baby is about 2 inches long.
WOAH....then why am I showing so much LOL.

Man I feel like I'm as big as a house.

I have my next doc appt on Tuesday! Yes, that means another month has passed me by.
Oh please God let the next few months go by just as quickly haha.

The next milestone I'm waiting for is to feel the baby. Usually with the other 4 I felt a little something around 16 weeks. So thats only 5 more to go :)

The best tasting liquid in the world right now to me is a big cold glass of Milk.
I actually drank milk with pizza last night. Nothing else suited me ....
Go figure!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Remember this?

Friday, May 1, 2009

From Me

Hey !
well with my new due date being Dec 10th, (a difference of two days) I thought I would just jot down a few things on my mind.

First of all I got to see my baby's tiny heart beat when I went to the docs on Tuesday. My baby isn't quite an inch long but the heart beat was so strong. It just amazes me what is going on inside of me.

What I am noticing the most if how hungry I am the foods I "need" to have.
For example...this morning, I rarely eat breakfast but I got hungry and HAD to have spagetti.
Yes at 8:30 am...spagetti.

Sometimes the smell of certain things just turn me off from food so badly...and some smells just make my mouth water.

I am 2 days into my 8th week now which means only 1 more month and then I start my 2nd trimester!!!!

Oh what I am so looking forward to is the baby movement. That is one of the coolest parts of being pregnant.

I don't like the aches, pains, swelling of ankles and feet, and being so tired you lay down at 6 and don't wake up till the next day!!!
That is what happened to me yesterday. I was sooooooooooo tired....but I did wake up a bit cause I was so thirsty I would have walked 2 miles to get a drink but luckily I have wonderful children and a great husband who will get me whatever I want!!!!!

More later :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome to week 8!!


Fetal development in pregnancy week 8;

embryo in second month Woohoo!

You've got one whole inch of baby inside of you! Your little embryo has finally reached the one-inch mark (30mm). And if it were possible to take a peek, you could actually see your tiny baby without a telescope!

What’s more, your baby is finally starting to take on some very distinct human features. For starters, their little tail (really just the spinal cord) has disappeared completely. It’s nice to know your baby can no longer be mistaken for a sea creature!

Additionally, both their toes and fingers are prominent with very little, if any, webbing. Upper and lower limbs all show recognizable joints (elbows and knees) and the lower limb bones are starting to ossify. But don’t expect your baby to resemble either parent quite yet. Right now, your baby’s head is disproportionately larger than the rest of their body--making up almost half of your little one’s height and weight!

And how's mom doing?

Your slightly-larger-than-a-cherry embryo is also starting to have a physical impact on you this week—and not just hormonally, as you may be noticing a slight bulge at your midline-- mostly from water retention.

Most people won't even notice the subtle change to your belly's shape, but since you’re if you have been extra moody lately, that may start to subside this week, as the placenta is beginning to take responsibility for your baby’s hormone production tuned in to every little change in your body, it hasn’t slipped past.

Good news for the hormonally tortured: if you have been extra moody lately, that may start to subside this week, as the placenta is beginning to take responsibility for your baby’s hormone production. This means your body will soon be able to relax a bit from its over-production of hormones as the placenta starts to regulate your baby’s hormones-- allowing your body to focus on producing more normal levels of hormones for yourself

Monday, April 27, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

This is beautiful!!!!

Isn't this just amazing how much the hand changes in just three days????
I am in awe of God's creation and how He sets all things in motion....
As of today I am at day 53!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wise pregnancy sayings??

Think of stretch marks as pregnancy service stripes.-- Joyce Armor

~~~~Nikki Here
Stretch marks lol....
Oh how I have many!
So with number 5 in my tum tum does that mean I have enough service stipes to earn me a decent retirement income??????

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More pregnant jokes lol

The more pregnant I get, the more often strangers smile at me. Why?
~‘Cause you’re fatter than they are.

Ok week 7 plus one day

Well Week 7 is definitely full of its ups and downs.

The baby (by what I read) is definitely growing very fast!

Me, I am a bit more nauseas and the indigestion is more and I am more tired. (Yep all of that is actually possible)


But next week puts me at 8 weeks and that means a whole 2 months GONE!!!!

Tuesday is my 1st OB appt too…can’t wait to hear what they have to say.


I have been an emotional wreck lately.


So confused about so much.


Nervous about the pregnancy, missing a certain family member in my life, worried about my sister who is ill, a friend in India who is ill….


I am a person who tried to take care of everyone…..


…..but me.



this is a test blogging from my email


Monday, April 20, 2009

Can i really do this..

Well I figured I'd have one of these moments eventually...
Can  I really do this?

I will be 42 when this baby is born....
Do I have what it takes still...after all this time?

Man, right now I'm scared to death.

How can I be so elated..and scared to death all at the same time ......

Last day of week 6

Today is the last day of the 6th week of my pregnancy.
TOmorrow starts week 7.....

I found out on Saturday that spicy foods are NOT going to work well with my tummy for a while.
I made some spicy hamburger thing for supper and I paid dearly for it later with indigestion that was really bad.

I need to start up my juicing again. I make my own carrot juice. Yes most might say YUCK but its really sweet, and better than that...its full of energy and vitamins and everything that I need.
I need to stick with fresh fruits and veggies too. I need to be careful to make sure I watch so I don't develop gestational diabetes.

I had to get rid of 2 more pair of jeans yesterday. Of course that threw me into a hormonal tizzy....I was so upset.

Oh well, one thing I have always wanted to try is that workout thing called PX 90....I guess I can try it to take off all this pregnancy wait I'm putting on.

What else is new?

Here is a little joke...enjoy

Since I became pregnant, my breasts, rear end, and even my feet have grown.
Is there anything that gets smaller during pregnancy?

Yes, your bladder.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Its Friday....

This is day 46 of my pregnancy!
83.6% to go LOLOL
Now that is hilarious.....
Here is a little something about the baby:

How big is your baby?
The crown to rump length of your baby now measures around 0.08-016 inches, which is 2-4mm. The crown to rump is the distance from the top your baby's head to it's rump.
Your baby's development
Your babys heart should start beating this week and with the proper equipment, such as an ultrasound, you may be able to see your baby's heart beating. Initial circulation starts off in the mesoderm, yolk sac and the linning of the placenta. By the middle of this week the aorta will have started to form in your babys heart.
Another major development this week is that your baby's eyes will also begin to form as well as the surface layer of skin. This should compete development over the course of this month.
During this week your baby's head and brain will also undergo some rapid development. There are a few things which you can do to this development:

Ensure that your are getting Omega 3 in your diet as this plays an important part in helping brain development.
Ensure you are taking in folic acid in your diet, which you can get from eating green leafy vegetables and walnuts as example sources.
If you are still smoking, stop!
Limit your caffeine intake.

-----Now for a little joke ...

Q: Should I have a baby after 35?

A: No, 35 children is enough.


So, yesterday wasn't such a good day for me.
I didn't feel well, my legs and feet were achey and I just felt emotionally drained.
Didn't feel like doing anything at all.

Boy this is going to be a long 83.6% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A bit scared now....

Well its all so real now....
And as of right now, I feel terrified....
Not sure why....
Hormones maybe ...don't know...don't care....
But scared to death is me.......

I can't even say " what in the world was I thinking" because this wasn't something I expected after 11 years.

I just don't know ......
This isn't just a dream anymore.

Up until now, it didn't seem real but when I saw those big numbers, it became real!!!!!!!!!

I'm carrying a little human being with a soul.....
God already knows the number of hairs on this persons head.

He already has a plan for this little one.

And I'm a part of this plan....

Oh....breathe Nikki, breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

blood work

Well, like I wrote yesterday I had to have another blood test done.
So I did that after work yesterday only to find out I had to wait until today around 8 or so to find out the results :(
I will be calling Medical Records as early as I can this morning. I just want to make sure those hcg levels are doubling like they should be.

I will post the results as soon as I have them.

12 more days until my first OB appointment.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ok so I went back to the hospital today to pick up my records from last friday. Right now a little medical background would be nice.
Not sure what all the blood levels mean....
but I sure hope all is well.

Didn't know that the doctors want me to have another hcg test done...and it was supposed to be done Sunday....to make sure my levels were rising normally so after work today, back to the lab I go....

My left arm is bruised pretty badly from where they stuck me with an IV on Friday....
So I hope they use my other arm.

Having my blood taken doesn't bother me really. Some people don't even like the sight of their own blood. Me? Hey what humility do I have left after giving birth to 4 children???

Also how can my waist be expanding and I'm only 6 weeks pregnant.
Some people, You know who you are, think I'm just trying to get big on purpose...Oh please...

Ok sure...I want to be so big it hurts to walk,
Yes big belly....can't tie my own shoes
Of course I want to get big fast....especially after I finally got back into a 5/7 Jean SUREEE!!!!!!

Ok about my kids

Ok ...about my kids.

The easiest way to put this is the two oldest ones weren't 100% jumping up and down and picking out baby name ;(

But I'm sure this was such a shock to them, thats ok with me. They are their own persons and are allowed their own feelings.

Tony did better than I thought but Angel, she is sooooooooooo excited. She pats my belly many times a day and talks to the baby often.

Joey actually prayed for a baby sister at one time and ....voila......Angel was born.

So now, Angel, 2 months ago, prayed for a baby sister, and voila....again :)

Only time will tell though if the baby is a boy or girl.

According to the pregnancy calculator I looked up online , today is Day 43!

Is that all???!!!! LOL

I know that I have a long way to go and there are moments that I still get so scared that something will happen to this baby because when Angel was still very small, I had a miscarriage when I was about 3 weeks pregnant. Since that time, nothing....so this is a bit scary. I mean I've doubled that time now but its till scary.

Yesterday was one of those days.
I had stabbing pains down the upper back of my legs yesterday all day long and I had a hard time sleeping. They seem to be gone today THANK GOD....maybe its just the change in blood flow to the baby....who knows really. But as long as no cramping or spotting....I guess all is good.
I have my 1st OB appt with a doctor named Catherine Coleman on the 28th at 2:45.
Should be fun...more poking and prodding lol ;)
Ok more later guys....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Introducing: ME

Hey everyone.
THis journal is for anyone who wants to read the daily goings on inside this so called mind of mine.
For those who do not know me personally, my name is Nikki. I am 41 years old. I've been married over 21 years to Mike.
He retired from 20 years of Naval Service to our country not long ago.
I am mom to Michael who is almost 21, Joey who is almost 17, Tony who is 12, and Angel who is 11.

A little background???

Well for the past 3 months my periods have been crazy. Doc even told me I'm more than likely going thru the perimenopause stuff. Oh great!!! Dealing with that and hormonal stuff has been a horrible nightmare for me. I have been tired, achey, and just feeling like poo. One month (3 periods ago) I bled for 24 days straight so I thought, oh boy , here I go!
THe next month (March) it was normal. ANyway as normal as it can be I guess.
Well April came and it was weird again. ALmost like nothing...and that "almost nothing" lasted about 7 days.
Well......I had off Good Friday from work so me and my friend Courtney were out doing Easter shopping at Walmart when I got this grand ole idea to take a pregnancy test.

Now...more background.

After I had Angel, I had one pregnancy and I misscarried around the 3rd week. It was awful. It was my one and only misscarriage and Mike and I always said that we would take as many children as God wanted us to have. So after many years of nothing without using any kind of contraception, I thought, we both thought that it just wasn't in His Plan.

And so....I was in Walmart....left the things I had in my buggy already with Courtney, and proceeding to the checkout with the Walmart brand cheap pregnancy test.
Bought it...
Bagged it...
Almost ran to the bathroom...yes in Walmart....to proceed to peeing on this stick lol.

Well, the test says to wait 3 minutes. Holy Moly, it only took a minute!!!!!!!!
When I saw the plus sign, I think I ran out of the bathroom, looking for my friend. I know she told me where she would be but I was frantic. I couldn't find her anywhere!!!!!!
If I was on the outside watching me , I think I would have called 911 to pick me up. I looked like a crazy woman.

Well, I found her, after what seemed like forever looking....
And I was shaking and not thinking straight.

I asked her to look and tell me , confirm to me what I saw.
She did!!!

I told her that there is no way I could finish my shopping I had planned for the day. So I proceeded home to show Mike....

He saw...and told me to not get my hopes up!!! Told me to see what the doc says...
Well, I don't do waiting very well so instead of waiting weeks to see my doctor, I high-tailed it to my local ER and told them I was spotting and that I wanted a blood test done.

So, the doc did a blood test, confirmed the pregnancy and then said , OK we're going to do an ultrasound. Actually two of them. One normal and one internal to make sure this isn't a tubal pregnancy since I was spotting.

Ok, on to the ultrasound. First the docs has to put in a catheter.....not happy about that. THey needed to fill my bladder quickly....I've never been catherized in all my 41 years. So ok, still more things to tramatize me.
Not make matters worse, two ladies came in and one lady asked me if it was ok for this girl to put one in cause she was new. Sure, whatever!!! But ....then I started to listen to their conversation. This was only the 2nd one she had ever done!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my !!!!
Ok catheter in, rolling into the ultrasound room.
THe regular ultrasound showed nothing because my uterus is tipped so far back that the doc said ok time to do an internal ultrasound. Oh great...this day has been so fun!
Ok well, as I watched the screen, up popped this little circle on the screen.
"this is what we are looking for" the nurse said.
She proceeded to take the measurements and pointed to the yolk inside the amniotic sac and told me everything looks completely normal.
PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

......Ok I will fill you all in on how I told my kids and their responses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but this will come a bit later. You see, I run a full time daycare in my home and the kids are now here so no more writing for now. Yes, pregnant at 41 after 11 years, I run a full time daycare, homeschool my kids....and writing a blog to keep everyone updated on my "controlled chaos"

Until later :)