Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Its almost time....

Well Bloggers, Its December 1st.
So many people have told me that its gone by so fast...not for me , let me assure you this!

I have two due dates that I've been going by.
WHen I first found out I was pregnant, the doctors calculate a due date by your last menstrual period..so my first due date is Dec 10th.

But at 20 weeks, I had an ultrasound done. By the calculations done then, the Ultrasound due date given to me was Dec 5th.

Well, I'm quickly approaching the 5th. Each doctor visit in the past 2 weeks has found no change in my cervix at all that would be leading me another step closer to Labor and Delivery.

I am praying that today will be different.

Yes, I usually go a bit late with my kids but I was hoping and praying that this wouldn't be the case with this pregnancy. I'm big as a house, and always contracting.

Oh those wonderful braxton hicks....what my husband calls a workout for my uterus! Suuurree.....He's never felt a single one in his entire life nor will he ever HAVE to. lol.

In the past, I really didn't mind being pregnant. But on Thursday Dec 3rd, I turn 42 years old and let me tell you, I'm feeling every bit of every year of that age.

Its been a wave of emotion here for me.

I mean, anticipating the arrival of my new little baby boy is one thing.
My son Michael, 21, just got sworn into the police department yesterday. The holidays are quickly approaching and I love to decorate (can't find the decorations) and I love to bake cookies, (can't stand on my feel long enough to do much without pain), and I love shopping to find that ONE special gift for someone that will make their eyes light up with joy..(here again, hurts to walk too long).

I know, I know, soon it will be over with and he will be nestled safely in my arms and labor and pregnancy will be just a memory. But right now, right here is where I'm at and its not easy.

OB appt today at 3.

PRAY!!!! that my cervix is doing SOMETHING!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Please email me! I have a question about your blog! ☺
